Sounds Familiar?
Vivek, a Facilities Management Engineer, is part of the post-construction transition team. He needs an As-Built Drawing, a crucial document for future maintenance and reference. But there’s a problem – he can’t find it.
This happens more often than you’d think. Even with handover processes, documents can get lost in the shuffle.
But wait, there’s more!
Thankfully, Vivek finds the As-Built Drawing with the help of Harry, the former resident construction engineer. However, Harry notices the approval date is six months before project completion. He remembers an Engineering Instruction (EI) issued during that time, modifying parts of the design. Unfortunately, the As-Built Drawing doesn’t reflect these changes.
To make matters worse, a Work Inspection Report (WIR) confirms the construction followed the updated EI design. This leaves Vivek with an outdated As-Built Drawing, rendering it useless.
Modern construction still has room for improvement.
This scenario highlights some common challenges:
Outdated Information: As-Built drawings might not reflect the final, built condition, leading to confusion and rework.
Communication Gaps: Essential information about design changes (like EIs) might not reach the facilities team.
Inconsistent Documentation: Discrepancies between As-Built drawings and WIRs can cause problems down the road.
How CloseoutSoft Can Help:
We offer a solution to these problems and more with:
Centralized Document Management System: Store and track all project documents (drawings, EIs, WIRs) in one place with version control. Everyone has access to the latest versions.
Real-Time Updates: Update As-Built drawings as construction progresses, reflecting design changes authorized by EIs.
Automated Workflows: Trigger notifications for relevant parties whenever an EI is issued or an As-Built drawing is updated.
Data Integration: Integrate with project management and inspection software to ensure WIRs reference the correct As-Built versions.
With CloseoutSoft, Vivek would have found the latest As-Built Drawing with ease.
Harry wouldn’t have needed to explain discrepancies. And the As-Built Drawing would have accurately reflected the final, built condition.
CloseoutSoft makes the difference!
To learn more, visit www.closeoutsoft.ae | www.rebus.ae